I just had one of those epiphany moments when walking across campus. You know? When you are talking to yourself when walking alone, and then you realize something important...something you had overlooked. Alrighty, so if you really want me to say what I was talking to myself about...I was thinking about how many times we don't consider ourselves beautiful. We don't think we deserve anything, we don't see our own worth. I mean...sometimes. Because there are those other times when we couldn't feel more ready to eat the world! But come on, there are other times when we don't feel capable of something great.
But then I thought about how there's so many possibilities, and opportunities that pass infront of your face every single day. And many time we don't even notice them because we are so consumed on our present "troubles" and worries. And then I thought...we can make anything happen for ourselves!
Unless making that "something great" happen for yourselves involves losing some of your values, and your morale, you should go out and do it. We don't have why to settle for anything we don't think we deserve in this world. God gave you the intruments...two hands, two legs, two eyes, and one smart brain. And he also gave the guidelines, he told you what is acceptable to do with your instruments. Now go out there and do it. Make it happen for yourself.
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